Touristik-Gemeinschaft Baden-Elsass-Pfalz e.V.

The three neighbouring regions of Baden, Alsace and Palatinate all make for dream holiday destinations in their own right. But put them together and you would struggle to find a more beautiful and diverse backdrop on either side of the Rhine, with the Black Forest and Kraichgau in one direction and the Palatinate Forest and the Vosges in the other. Come and explore the natural beauty, warm hospitality, rich culture and culinary delights that our region near the German/French border has to offer!

We are Touristik-Gemeinschaft Baden-Elsass-Pfalz e.V., or “Vis-à-Vis” for short. Our association is made up of French and German tourism partners based in our region. You can read more about us and the work we do here.

Photos in title slider:
Noël à Haguenau (c) Emmanuel VIVERGE/TMT Photo
Abendstimmung am Viehstrich bei Schaidt (c)Südpfalz-Tourismus Landkreis Germersheim e.V. Fotograf Kilian-Kunz
Blick vom Hochkopf bei Bühl (c)Ferienregion Bühl-Bühlertal-Ottersweier
Festungsführung mit den Bauersfrauen in Germersheim (c)Südpfalz-Tourismus Stadt Germersheim e.V. Fotografin Britta Hoff
Picknick am See bei Leimersheim (c)Südpfalz-Tourismus Landkreis Germersheim e.V._Fotograf  Nico Bohnert
Cleebourg©Adean_Ora (20)
So schön kann Winter auf der Grinde sein (c)Evi Seeger, Bühl

Photos in footer:
Picknick im Weinberg (c)Kraichgau-Stromberg Tourismus e.V
Herbstanfang (c)isocont GmbH Peter Mast
Vue autour du château de Fleckenstein (c)Best of Wandern - T. Bichler